Do you have your doubts about life insurance? Here's the answers to your misconceptions

Life insurance can cover any outstanding debts and purchases that the family may need to make in the future. Picture: Freepik

Life insurance can cover any outstanding debts and purchases that the family may need to make in the future. Picture: Freepik

Published Aug 31, 2023


Financial planning is essential if you want to protect your financial future as well as the future of your loved ones and getting the right insurance cover is an important step.

Thembisa Mapukata, general manager: Tied Distribution at Old Mutual Mass and Foundation Cluster said that having an insurance plan that suits their budget, for both the funeral and life insurance, could be the best investment that a person could make.

Many South Africans may have heard of funeral insurance as well as life insurance and made the mistake of thinking that they are same. But they are not.

Life and funeral insurance are designed for different needs:

A funeral policy is designed to pay for specific and immediate costs related to the funeral but will not be sufficient to help a family maintain their expenses.

A life insurance policy is taken to cover any outstanding debts and take care of important purchases that the family may need to make in the future, as well as assist the family with an income for a period.

“The amount of cover the breadwinner can obtain for a life insurance policy is usually far higher than that available on a funeral policy, for a similar monthly premium,” Mapukata said.

The difference between life cover and funeral cover

According to Hlengekile Jita, funeral product manager at FNB Insurance, one of the biggest differences between funeral cover and life cover is that life cover requires underwriting.

Jita said: “Underwriting allows an insurer to assess your risk profile and may comprise of a few questions or even medical tests for higher cover amounts. This information then allows the insurer to determine whether they can provide cover to you and provide you with the best price for the cover you need.”

Why should people have life insurance?

Steph Bester CEO of AllLife, said that getting life insurance is generally a good idea because you don’t want to leave your loved ones without money to live on or left to pay your debt.

“Life insurance is a financial gift you leave your loved ones that will protect them from financial fallout in the event of your death and allow them to continue with the most important things,” Bester said.


People have misconceptions about life insurance that prevents them from taking out a policy.

Mapukata shares four misconceptions that people may have about life insurance:

Life insurance is only for the rich. Chances are that you have a family that depends on you whether you are rich or not. Having life insurance is a way to help your family even after you have passed away.

Life insurance is too expensive. Life insurance cover can be tailored to meet the needs and income of any person. Speak to a qualified financial adviser to assist you in getting the right balance of cost and cover.

Life insurance takes a long time to pay out. This can be true but it is also expected.

Mapukata said: “Although both are equally important to have due to how they function when a pay-out is made, it’s important to note that a funeral policy can pay out within hours of all the required documentation being submitted.

“If the required information and paperwork needed for a life insurance claim is submitted soon after a death, there is no reason why the life single amount pay-out will not be paid within 14 working days.”

Life insurance requires medical tests. This is partly true but it depends on the amount of cover you are choosing.

“A full medical exam accompanied with health and lifestyle questions will enable your insurer to issue life insurance that suits your unique circumstances and needs and ensure the premium is tailored to your personal circumstances, which could be more affordable than the no test premium,” Mapukata said.

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