Zanu-PF to transfer Blue Roof mansion to Mugabe family

A portrait of former president Robert Mugabe outside the room where his body lies in state inside his official residence in Harare. Photo: AP

A portrait of former president Robert Mugabe outside the room where his body lies in state inside his official residence in Harare. Photo: AP

Published Oct 3, 2019


Zimbabwe's ruling Zanu-PF party will transfer ownership of the palatial home in Harare where President Robert Mugabe lived, to his family, the Herald newspaper quoted a party official as saying.

The "clarification" by Zanu-PF followed speculation that the party intended to turn Mugabe's Blue Roof mansion into a museum, and to derive an income from it, the newspaper reported.

The party would also transfer ownership of a second home, occupied by Bona Mugabe-Chikore, the daughter of Mugabe and his widow Grace, to the family.

“Nothing has changed on the party’s commitment to transfer the two properties,” Mr Mpofu was quoted as saying.

Mugabe family spokesman Leo Mugabe had recently confirmed that the ex-president, who ruled Zimbabwe for 37 years until he was ousted in 2017, did not own either the Blue Roof mansion or the Mount Pleasant house.

“The issue of properties is being handled by the president. He is handling the issue to ensure the family is safe. I was told by President Mnangagwa that the party will help to transfer the title deeds of the properties to the former president’s family. 

Video by: Kim Kay/African News Agency

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