Tie your hair into a bun when exercising. Picture: Pexels/@ Eduardo Romero.
Since it’s a new year, many people are excited about working on their body goals. Gyms are full of fitness bunnies, drop-outs and first-timers who want to stay consistent to achieve their body goals.
While exercising has more health benefits, other people tend to avoid it because of the effect it has on their hair. The sweat that comes off when exercising is not always good for the hair. It makes the hair dry and can sometimes make it smell weird, which is why you must protect your hair.
Wear your hair up
If you aren’t wearing any protective style, tie your hair into a bun to avoid it coming onto your face and neck as your workout. This will help your hair reduce the amount of sweat it can be in contact with.
Check your environment
If you sweat a lot, try exercising outdoors. If you use indoor gyms, make sure the venue has an air conditioner to keep you cooler.
Wear light clothes
There are clothes specifically made for exercising, invest in them. Some may be pricey, but they are usually worth the price because they don’t trap in the heat.
Cover your hair with a satin scarf
Satin is the best fabric that you can use to prevent your hair from frizzing. Make sure you don’t tie it too tight to avoid trapping sweat.
Don’t shampoo your hair after every workout
Sweat has the potential to dry out your hair, but so does shampoo. The over-use of shampoo can strip the hair of its natural oils, causing it to break. At least shampoo your hair once a week and finish off with a conditioner.
Source: Cantu