When shopping for clothes, always ask yourself these 3 simple questions

Unplanned shopping makes you buy things you don’t need. Picture: Pexels Sam Lion

Unplanned shopping makes you buy things you don’t need. Picture: Pexels Sam Lion

Published Jul 31, 2023


These days we’re all having to keep an eye on what we spend our hard-earned money on.

Everything has gotten so expensive, especially when it comes to clothes.

While we all want to stay on trend and always look good, it’s not always affordable.

But you don’t always have to buy everything that’s hot or just because it’s cheap.

Here are items you need to stop buying and shopping habits you need to get out of.

Avoid shopping for trends

Trending items are just that, trending! Trends come and go in short spaces of time.

While it’s tempting to give in to trends, you will regret those purchases in a few months.

By the time the next season comes around, they will be completely out of fashion and you will no longer want to wear it. These items just end up sitting in your closet. Opt for classic, timeless pieces instead.

Always opt for classic pieces. Picture: Pexels Liza Summer

Avoid poor quality fabrics

While these items might be cheaper, they will cost you more in the long run.

Poor quality fabrics are prone to wear and tear. Because they don’t last, you end up buying the same item over and over again.

Instead, invest in a high-quality fabric that you know will last you much longer.

Don’t buy poor quality fabrics. Picture: Pexels Greta Hoffman

Avoid emotional shopping

We’ve all had those days when you just feel like shopping. When you have the urge to buy something, anything!

These shopping trips are generally unplanned and therefore you end up buying items you didn’t plan on buying.

Don’t be tempted by sales. Picture: Pexels Lisa Fotios

This happens so easily at sales. Many stores are having clearance sales right now and it’s so tempting to buy something just because it was on sale and not because you actually need it.

Avoid pricey brand names

Of course, we all want to own a fancy brand, but is it worth it?

You always have to ask yourself: Do I really need it? Can I really afford it?

So often we neglect to look at the quality of the clothing items and buy it simply because it is a brand name.

Instead, look out for high-quality clothes from lesser-known brands.