It’s all about the light

Vases of colourful flowers can also be placed around the house to brighten rooms.

Vases of colourful flowers can also be placed around the house to brighten rooms.

Published May 3, 2011


Many homeowners believe that selling a property in winter is more difficult than in summer, but in South Africa’s climate sellers do not have to worry about extreme weather putting people off, says Ya’el Geffen, executive director of Lew Geffen Sotheby’s International Realty.

“It only takes one interested buyer to sell a house, and there are buyers out there throughout the year.

“The trick is to attract the right one to your property within the shortest period of time. For this, you need to price your house realistically and make sure your agent uses a targeted approach to marketing your home.”

Geffen says homeowners can do a lot to turn on the charm.

“The most important is encouraging light.

“Curtains and blinds should be fully opened to allow in as much light as possible. On dark days, lighting can create a warm atmosphere. Vases of colourful winter flowers can also be placed around the house to brighten rooms.

“If possible, darkly-painted rooms should be repainted with a lighter shade to lighten them up and make them appear more spacious,” Geffen says.

When skies are grey, the inside of a home can appear dingy and dirty. Rooms should be given a thorough cleaning.

This includes shampooing and vacuuming carpets to remove stains and dark spots, and bleaching grouting between tiles to rejuvenate the floor.

Clearing out clutter such as magazines, photo frames, toys and other bulk-adding items also goes a long way in lighting up a home and making it seem cleaner, brighter and bigger.

Homeowners can also use cold outside temperatures to their advantage.

“Create a warm and cosy feeling inside to contrast with the cold outside.

“If you have a fireplace, light it to create a cosy atmosphere. Otherwise, turn on your heater to warm up your home.

“You can also use throws and cushions to add texture and warmth to bedrooms and the lounge. People will remember how inviting and welcoming your warm home felt in contrast to the cold and greyness outside.

Between viewings, homeowners should air out their homes to prevent them from smelling stale and musty.


“Add some colour to your garden by planting a few evergreens or some winter-flowering plants.

“It will add to your home’s street-appeal and give potential buyers a hint of what the garden could look like in full bloom at the height of spring. Overall, it creates a good impression and makes people want to see more.

“It’s all about setting the stage for a sale and when selling your home in winter, you need to work a little harder at it.” - Daily News

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