Youth Month: What you need to know about diet as a young person

To grow and be healthy, you need to be active and eat the right foods. Picture: Pexels/Andres Ayrton

To grow and be healthy, you need to be active and eat the right foods. Picture: Pexels/Andres Ayrton

Published Jun 8, 2023


As you get older, you are able to start making your own decisions about a lot of things that matter most to you.

You may choose your own clothes, music, and friends. You also may be ready to make decisions about your body and health.

Making healthy decisions about what you eat and drink, how active you are, and how much sleep you get is a great place to start.

Whether indulging in sugary food while out with friends or grabbing an extra slice of pizza while Netflix-and-chilling, you need to know the impact a bad diet will have on you.

To grow and be healthy, you need to be active and eat the right foods.

To grow and be healthy, you need to be active and eat the right foods. Picture: Pexels

But why is this important? Health and wellness expert Vanessa Ascencao says nutrition, stress, and sleep play a major role in health in all ages. She says it is important for young people to eat as healthily as possible to help boost immunity and vitality, improve concentration and performance, improve mental health, and help keep the skin healthy.

“Young people should be mindful about what they put into and how they treat their bodies. They should educate themselves on what foods are good for them and which ones are harmful. They should start cooking at home, sourcing organic produce from a farmers' market, get outside more, watch less television, limit social media, learn to manage stress, and be mindful about their bodies,” Ascencao says.

To grow and be healthy, you need to be active and eat the right foods. Picture: Pexels/Jane Doan

“When you eat natural whole foods, as close to nature as possible, it is very difficult to overeat and it helps stabilise blood sugar levels, reduces cravings, helps you feel fuller for longer, increases energy, improves mood and overall good health. Achieving overall health will naturally lead to healthy weight management and when eating nutrient-rich food, you can eat an abundance of good, healthy whole food.”

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foodiesyouth day