Contraceptives or HRT increase risk of deadly blood clots in Covid-19 patients, study finds



Published Aug 6, 2020


As more information emerges regarding the effects of Covid-19, questions arise as to whether infection aggravates blood clots and strokes associated with combined oral contraceptives.

According to a study, which was published in the journal Endocrinology, researchers have found that women who are pregnant or take oestrogen for birth control or as part of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may have a higher risk of developing blood clots if they contract Covid-19.

Researchers explained that contraceptive pills contain oestrogen which can narrow blood vessels. Individuals who are pregnant or on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) face the same danger.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, study co-author Dr Daniel Spratt suggested prescribing blood thinners – such as aspirin – to all three groups would offer protection.

“During this pandemic, we need additional research to determine if women who become infected during pregnancy should receive anti-coagulation therapy – or if women taking birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy should discontinue them,” he said.

The coronavirus can cause blood clots to form – even in previously healthy people, said Spratt.

What’s more, oestrogen fuels potentially deadly deep vein thrombosis in some mothers-to-be – and in women on the pill or HRT.

The blockages usually start in the legs. They can move up, triggering a heart attack or stroke.

Oral contraceptives are known to carry a small risk of the condition – which may be exacerbated by the coronavirus, reports the new study in Endocrinology.

Spratt said, “Research that helps us understand how the coronavirus causes blood clots may also provide us with new knowledge regarding how they form in other settings and how to prevent them.“

He added: “Conversations between clinicians, researchers, endocrinologists and haematologists are necessary to explore potential interactions between Covid-19 and pregnancy or oestrogen therapy that could guide management.”

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