#EasterWeekend: How to make peri peri prawns

Carrie-Anne Gavazzi making her dad's Peri Peri prawns on the braai. Picture: Supplied

Carrie-Anne Gavazzi making her dad's Peri Peri prawns on the braai. Picture: Supplied

Published Apr 1, 2018


Growing up as a little girl, my dad cooked a lot, but he only cooked the things he loved most. I suppose the things he knew he was good at, like these prawns. I remember holidays on the beach in Mozambique as a little girl stuffing my face with prawn after prawn. This is my pap’s most famous recipe (I think so anyway) and I have stolen it from him.  

I think it will steal your heart! 

Prep Time: 25mins

Cooking Time 15mins

Serves 4-6 people 


1kg prawns 

200g butter (Room Temp)

8 large red chillies (medium to mild)

8 cloves of garlic

3-4 large lemons

Glug of olive oil 

Salt and pepper 


Right. the prawns… You need approx 1kg but you can add more depending on how many people you are expecting. You need about 5 prawns per person.

I clean the prawns myself however try to get your fish monger to do this for you. Once they are squeaky clean (leaving heads and shells intact) we can start on our peri-peri sauce.

Chop the chillies and garlic as fine as you can get them.

In a saucepan add the butter, chillies, garlic and juice from all 3 lemons. You want this to melt, but not to boil. 

Season the sauce to taste and set it aside to rest.

In the meantime, your prawns will be room temperature and we can season them with some salt and pepper.

Two ways you can cook these bad boys.  

Over the braai/barbeque: which means you need to pour all the sauce over the prawns like a marinade then grill them over the flames.

Over a big pan or wok: Which means you splash a little olive oil into the pan and then add the sauce and prawns together making a saucier vibe.

Each way is just as delicious as the other, so try them both and see what you think.  Prawns cook super quick, 2 mins on each side is suffice.  Don’t overcook them as they become rubbery. When they are turning bright pink and opaque on the inside, that a good indication that they are cooked.

I serve the prawns in a big platter with all the sauce and crunchy bread on the side for dipping, believe me the sauce is gone in minutes. This is a hands-on affair, so don’t be shy to get stuck in with your fingers. A Prawn braai, just like my dad taught me! 

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