Distillers are ‘bringing sexy back’ into the gin industry

La Primavera gin. Image supplied

La Primavera gin. Image supplied

Published Sep 5, 2022


People all over the world look forward to spring. It provides a much-needed reprieve from the frigid temperatures that prevent spending time outside.

Colour is everywhere, bringing so much vibrancy, but none more beautiful than the vibrant set of the launch of Two Gingers distillery's La Primavera gin.

As an avid consumer of gin, I have never concerned myself about how alcohol is made. Given the opportunity to make my own or rather watch how it's made from scratch was quite fascinating.

As a chef you taste your dish to ensure the dish is following a certain taste palette as does a distiller which according to founder and chief operations officer Wynand de Vries different levels of temperature produces a different taste of gin, which means that testing is mandatory throughout the craft process to ensure that the gin is what it is meant to be.

Although at first I was taken aback by the fact, but tasting is just that: tasting.

The dynamic duo managed to produce four seasons of gin in less than a year: Soul Flame, Spice route, Pink Pomelo gin and now La Primavera gin.

“We exceeded our milestone for ourselves and our business; this is more than a hobby. We wanted to reintroduce craft and sexiness to the gin industry, as well as show what you can do with gin and food and how to enjoy it,“ De Vries told IOL lifestyle.

An interesting fact about gin is that it is distilled so that you need little to no garnish because of all the botanicals that go into giving it a unique flavour, and the dry after-taste is a call to take another sip.

La Primavera gin. Image supplied

Soul Flame has floral notes of jasmin, cumin, coriander and cassia cinnamon which create that beautiful creation of flavour. While La Primavera is a refreshing spring gin; the name literally means “the first greens of spring”.

Turns out we’ve been pouring gin wrong all along; normally, you’d get a glass full of ice, which according to experts dilutes the gin right away; instead, you’re supposed to pour the gin first, then the ice, but be careful not to overdo it because you still need to savour the craftsmanship.

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