WATCH: Mom overwhelmed with tears after children pay off her bond on her 66th birthday



Published Jul 20, 2021


For the average South African, owning a home is top of their priority list. But with a costly monthly bond instalment, coupled with soaring living costs, it can become tough to stay on top of things, budget-wise.

Having your bond paid off would release so much disposable income, allowing you to spend the money on things that really matter, like that long-awaited holiday.

This is what happened to June Hassan. The Atlanta, Georgia, mom was months away from retirement and her dream was to have her home paid off before finally settling down in her golden years.

For her 66th birthday celebration, her children invited her out for dinner and presented her with a birthday card.

A video, which was shared on Daily Mail’s Facebook page via T&T Creative Media, shows the mom opening the card while her daughter says: “This was all we could afford this year with the pandemic.”

After reading the card, Hassan shouts “what” in surprise and even takes off her glasses to read it properly.

Reading the card out loud, she says: “Now you don’t have to worry about another mortgage payment in your life.”

She immediately starts sobbing as her daughter adds: “You don’t have to worry about your mortgage anymore, it’s paid off.”

The Facebook post gained worldwide attention and received 285K views.

“Momma raised some good babies. Good on her. Happy retirement and happy birthday, hon,” said one comment.

“A true gift of love and gratitude was given to these parents by their children and those were tears of joy!!,” commented another.


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