Give us a break - it’s way too soon for Christmas decorations



Published Nov 12, 2021


I am sure there are many moms out there who can relate and who feel my pain when I say that going to the mall with my eight-year-old can be a nightmare.

If I know that there’s a toy store – or any shop that has toys displayed in the window – I have to either change the usual route to the shop I need to be at, even if it means going the long way.

I can’t even get groceries in peace because the bigger shops now have aisles dedicated to toys that I have to navigate around.

This is all in an effort to avoid the inevitable “mommy, can I please have this?” nagging.

Now, as if that isn’t bad enough, the malls are bedecked in big twinkling Christmas trees, surrounded by empty boxes all wrapped up in green, red and gold, covered in faux snow and sprinkled with glitter.

Yes, it’s that time of year again. The festive season is once again upon us.

‘Tis the season to be jolly they say.

And every year, it seems to start just a little bit earlier than the last.

My daughter has already started on her Christmas present wish list and wants to decorate the house.

LITTLE ones are eager to start decorating. Picture: Pexels

It’s all just way too soon for my liking and I’m sure I’m not the only one.

Or am I being a bit of a Grinch?

If I put up the decorations now, how much of it will still be up by the time Christmas day comes around?

Then there’s the question of how long does it stay up for?

How long does one have to live with Christmas decorations?

I set up a poll on social media, to get a sense of where people stand on when the right time is to put up decorations.

The options were: A month before Christmas? A week before Christmas? When the mall does?

Some 80% voted a week before Christmas, which proves that I’m certainly not the only person who thinks that the malls are putting way too much pressure on us parents to get in on the festivities.

So I’m not such a Grinch after all!

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