Tina Rock Diva

Published Nov 7, 2006


Starring: Lucia Mthiyane

Producer and choreographer: Tanya van Rie

Venue: Tesson Theatre, Johannesburg Civic Theatre

The husky voice, the marvellous legs, the compelling life story - they all combine to make Tina Turner one of the great divas of rock 'n roll.

Actress and singer Lucia Mthiyane captures this legendary energy and verve in an exuberant homage to Ms Turner, packing in everybody's favourites in an hour-long rush that has the audience on its feet.

Sheathed in a series of fringe-covered, halter mini-dresses, Mthiyane looks enough like Turner to make the visual comparison worthwhile.

It's her voice that is the high point, though, belting out some of the legendary Turner numbers like River Deep, Mountain High, Private Dancer and Nutbush City Limits with impressive power and control.

The production is immensely enriched by some sassy choreography and stunning costumes. The backing singers and dancers throw themselves into the show with infectious enthusiasm, and look like they're having so much fun that one almost wants to join in. In fact, some audience members do, standing and jiving with abandon to some of the more upbeat numbers.

Mthiyane's interplay with her backing cast is witty and spontaneous, as is her frequent interaction with the audience in this small venue. At one point, she sings from behind a screen of giant fans, only to emerge at the end of the song wearing an entirely new costume, changed mid-number!

Other than the obligatory Simply the Best finale, it's hard to choose a highlight. Private Dancer is given a languorous treatment, accompanied by some slinky choreography. Perhaps the best number is a fast-paced medley that could easily have been saved for the end of the show, but it's hard to quibble with a show that leaves its audience roaring for more.

Tina Rock Diva is a lively tribute to a great entertainer and survivor. You don't have to be a Tina Turner buff to thoroughly enjoy this high-energy homage.

Tina Rock Diva runs at the Tesson until next Sunday.

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