Made In Manhattan

Published Jan 16, 2007


Director: David Bownes

Musical director: Bryan Schimmel

Choreographer: Trish McKenna

Sets: David Gallo

Costumes: Martin Pakledinaz

Lighting: Joe Atkins

CAST: Samantha Peo, Fiona Ramsay, Abigail Kubeka, Craig Urbani, Angela Kilian, Brenna Holder, Michele Levin, Jonathan Swart, Mortimer Williams and the rest of the ensemble

ORCHESTRA: Led by Bryan Schimmel on keyboards

DATES: Until February 25, Tuesdays to Fridays at 8pm; Saturdays 5 and 8.30pm; Sundays: 2.30 and 6pm

The glorious thing about Thoroughly Modern Millie is that it is so thoroughly modern. It is set in the 1920s but "modern" is defined here in essence as "not obsolete" which makes it as modern today as it was then. And if the title and the period seem to take one back in time, think again.

From the sleek sets to the cracking pace, the smart moves, catchy tunes and slick presentation, everything about this musical is hot and happening.

For our heroine, Millie, her dream to move from a small town to Manhattan, her unwillingness to settle for a life she seemed fated to live is still what drives most people in search of bright lights and big cities. Not much change here.

Apart from the musical, which is flashy and fabulous, the casting is sheer genius. Samantha Peo is perfect as the perky Millie with both the music and the moves down pat. It's an incredibly demanding role, but Peo seems to glide through the performance never missing a beat.

Her sweetness is counteracted by the acerbic Mrs Meers in a devilish turn by the brilliant Fiona Ramsay who brings all her acting and singing skills to bear in a performance that bristles from start to finish.

Add to that the West End experience of the formidable and extremely funny Craig Urbani, the charm of Brennan Holder, Angela Kilian's star turn as Miss Dorothy Brown, Michele Levin's startling Miss Flannery and the creative Chinese interpretations by Jonathan Swart and Mortimer Williams as Ching Ho and Bun Foo.

And if Abigail Kubeka's acting skills don't mirror her gorgeous voice, her two stunning songs compensate sweetly.

One could easily see the musical a second time for the extraordinary tap and typing number which highlights the cunning choreography as the ensemble turn up the energy levels. And that's just for starters.

Musically, Schimmel is in command and he has some incredible voices and great music to work with. The songs are catchy with lots of variety including some dream ballads and a funny number or two. Who would have thought Urbani and Kilian could come up with such mirth and merriment underpinned by superb comic timing.

Beautifully staged and jam-packed with local talent, this is a great show to kick off what should be a bumper musical year.

Go and get those tickets now.

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