Isidingo star takes on directing

Published Jan 9, 2007


At only 30 years old, actor Carl Beukes was delighted when asked to direct Debbie Does Dallas.

This is his first directing gig and it was prompted when Civic CEO Bernard Jay saw the work he had done on South African Ballet Theatre's Rock a Tutu last year.

Acting, he says, will remain his big love, but he was excited to be offered this chance as he has always wanted to direct.

With a sister (South African Ballet Theatre's Karen Beukes) and brother-in-law (Ian McDonald) in the business, Carl has been around theatre people from a young age. "I've watched what they do and how," he says and he's also working with a young cast which is just the way he wants it. "This is the show for me."

This young talent has acted on TV's The Res, Isidingo, 25 Degrees South and Soul City and was part of the Actors' Centre's Macbeth and Amadeus.

As a youngster, he was at Joburg's art school. "I didn't have any formal training after that, but I count my experience of 11 years as crucial," he says.

Because of his young cast, there's a strong camaraderie and this is how he wants to keep it. "It should be fun," he says.

For people who have the wrong idea about Debbie Does Dallas, he stresses that it's a spoof of porn - not porn per se.

"We want to keep it from being crass and common," he says and when you check out the cast, that won't be too hard. "It's not about how they did the sex, but that they did it," he explains, "and it's funny."

While many would be scared to start directing on such a visible stage, Carl is excited. "This will give me a huge step-up in my career," he says. His heart is truly in acting, but he knows directing should stand him in good stead. "I love being pushed and taking on challenges," he concludes.

If confidence is any indication, Debbie Does Dallas should be a hoot.

And for theatre, this injection of young blood can only be good.

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