DVD Review: Jekyll + Hyde -

Published Apr 13, 2007



Rating: *

FILM: This straight-to-DVD title is so bad it'll make your eyes smart. It's the umpteenth re-imagining of Robert Louis Stevenson's novel and tries to put an original spin on it. All it does is make you want to smash up your TV.

Jay Jekyll (Bryan Fisher) is a shy and rather nerdy medical student who develops a pill that changes his personality and turns him into Hyde.

This alter-ego is a sexed-up, deranged and increasingly homicidal maniac. The mild Jekyll becomes further suppressed under Hyde's influence until he takes over entirely.

This is a B-grade film and everything about it reflects this. If it had any hopes of redemption it would need commanding lead performances.

But Fisher is so bland that he can't convince in a single role, let alone two. He lacks real menace as Hyde and is just insipid as Jekyll.

Bree Turner is nothing more than eye-candy as his girlfriend. Admittedly, the film occasionally defies its low-budget roots with some interesting cinematography. Otherwise, it's a waste.

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