DVD Review: Hard Candy

Published Apr 13, 2007


Ster Kinekor

Rating: **

Film: Boring psychological warfare between a 14-year-old girl and an older man who meet on the Internet and end up at his home. Tries too hard to be arty and intelligent.

This film unfolds inside the flat of a 32-year-old photographer who is held hostage by a 14-year-old girl.

It's a contemporary film with decent cinematography and aims to comment on the intrusiveness of the Internet.

But the leading lady, Ellen Page, comes across as dull and offers a limp performance as a menacing psycho-path.

Patrick Wilson as the older guy is fittingly scared as he's mostly tied up and literally dependent on the unmerciful hands of the demented youngster who seems to have reason to her madness.

Secrets are revealed during a torture process, but by the end of the film one realises it's as dull as watching paint dry. Rather read a book or give your time to the public broadcaster.

Features: None.

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