Australian duo Pierce Brothers return to SA to headline first show in April

Pierce Brothers. Picture: Dara Munnis

Pierce Brothers. Picture: Dara Munnis

Published Jan 26, 2023


After five years of performing as a featured act at the “Splashy Fen Festival” in 2018, Australian twins Jack and Patrick Pierce are amped to return to SA to headline their own show at the Copper Bar in Joburg in April.

The Australian duo are known for songs including “When It All Goes Away”, co-written with Garrett Kato, followed by an affecting indie-pop ballad “How Sweet Is This Love”, featuring Steph Strings, the follow-up uplifting release of “The Captive” produced by Jan Skubiszewski.

Patrick said the duo were dying to get back to SA to perform.

“It’s been five years since we came to South Africa for the first time, and it was one of the best tours of our lives.

“We’ve been itching to get back ever since and we are so stoked to be playing our first headline show on the continent.”

The brothers still highly regard “Splashy Fen” as their stepping stone into the SA music scene.

Jack said: “Splashy Fen holds a very special place in our hearts. The festival, audience and our set were so wild and we can’t wait to do it all again.”

Stuart Berry, organiser of Splashy Fen in KZN recalls their debut performance at the festival, saying; “Back in 2018, The Pierce Brothers arrived at Splashy as an unknown Australian entity.

Very few people at Splashy had ever listened to or been exposed to their music before. What happened next was truly special to see.

Within two songs, they had 6 000 people just eating out of their hands in front of the main stage. It was to this day one of the most organically special moments at Splashy that I have experienced.

Their live set still stands out as one of the best I have ever seen.”

Tickets to the Pierce Brothers show is currently on sale at R295 via Howler.