’Survivor SA: Immunity Island’ castaway Mike Laws would’ve 'loved to have stayed longer'

Mike Laws became the third castaway to be blind sided and voted off ’Survivor SA: Immunity Island’. Picture: Supplied

Mike Laws became the third castaway to be blind sided and voted off ’Survivor SA: Immunity Island’. Picture: Supplied

Published Jun 22, 2021


On episode 3 of “Survivor SA: Immunity Island”, self acclaimed corporate law geek Mike Laws became the third castaway to be blindsided and voted off the island.

After the surprise tribal swop Mike tried everything in his power to keep the original Vuna members alliance intact but it was a case of him being a little too late to the party, and his torch was extinguished at tribal council, leaving his only friend and ally on the island, Carla devastated at his dismissal.

Taking the lose gracefully Mike chatted to IOL Entertainment about his experience on the greatest social experiment on earth.

How did you feel about being voted out so soon in the game?

I would have loved to have stayed longer in the game but am nevertheless unbelievably grateful for my time on the Island.

It’s a little bit sad and also just so grateful to have played the game. The tribe shuffle was a problem. They got me good, so best of luck.

How was the ’Survivor SA’ experience?

About 10x more fun and more difficult than I expected.

What was your biggest challenge on the island?

The lack of sleep! I was not ready for that!

Did you have a game plan?

My plan was to go in and be as mischievous and Machiavellian as possible while having a lot of fun.

I wasn't so good at managing my threat perception unfortunately!

How was it filming on the Wild Coast?

Filming on the Wild Coast was glorious and gruelling.

Given the chance, will you go back?


Survivor South Africa: Immunity Island” airs on M-Net on Thursdays at 7.30pm.

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