SPOILER ALERT: Sound the horns. Winter is REALLY here #GameofThrones

Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow (Aegon Targaryen) in the Winterfell crypts as the three horns signalling the arrival of the White Walkers, is blasted. PICTURE: Helen Sloan/HBO

Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow (Aegon Targaryen) in the Winterfell crypts as the three horns signalling the arrival of the White Walkers, is blasted. PICTURE: Helen Sloan/HBO

Published Apr 22, 2019


The thing about following a TV series, especially one as complex as Game of Thrones is that we know almost everything about the characters. We know their secrets, the reasons why they have done some things and whether they are changed people or not. 

As viewers, we have seen their story Arch's and character development (or lack of) and so we sometimes have a better understanding of them. 

Which is why seeing the trailer for the second episode of Game of Thrones's final season made me think that Jaime Lannister will be beheaded by the end of the episode. 

But it was not to be. 

It struck me as ironic that Daenerys Targaryen would want to make Jaime pay for killing her father, the Mad King. Here was Dany once again being the victim and recounting the ways she and her brother, Viserys, would have liked to kill the man who robbed them off their father. 

The biggest irony? She coldly informed Samwell Tarly that she burnt both his father and brother because they didn't bend the knee. Has she forgotten that her father was mad? That he wanted to burn half the population of King's Landing with wildfire, ala Cersei in season 6? 

Jamie Lannister being grilled by Daenerys Targaryen

PICTURE: Helen Sloan/HBO

The reason Jaime is in Winterfell? Well, he’s here to fight for the living. He reveals to everyone that Cersei lied and that she's getting ready to fight whoever wins the Battle of Winterfell. 

Even though Sansa at first is wary of Jaime but she is convinced by Brienne of Tarth, who boldly speaks up for her friend and that she would trust him with her life. And since Sansa trusts Brienne with hers, it makes it OK for Jaime to stay. 

Once again, Dany's power is slowly being usurped and I don't think she's taking it well. 

She's angry at Tyrion for trusting Cersei and for all his wise counsel that has led her to many mistakes. She still has concerns over whether he would choose her or his family. 

Later, Jaime’s surprised that Bran didn't tell anyone exactly what happened and who pushed him off the tower. The all knowing Three Eyed Raven basically says he's of more use alive and helping them fight the undead. 

Speaking of Bran, he finally reveals what the Night King really wants. "He wants to erase this world, and I am its memory,” Bran says. 

And since Bran has the Night King's mark, after he touched him in the episode where Hodor died, he will come for him. So they all bank on killing the Night King as he created the White Walkers and White Walkers create wights. Kill him and everything disappears. Everyone thinks this is an OK strategy. I'm so confused. 

Sansa Stark and Theon Greyjoy's reunion

PICTURE: Helen Sloan/HBO

Anyway Theon, whose arrival made Sansa so happy, offers to stand guard and protect Bran. His redemption has been great to follow.

I was hopeful for Sansa and Dany to have a heart-to-heart and they finally did. Sizing each other up, it's Sansa who is in control. 

Dany, as usual, wants to rule the Seven Kingdoms, but Sansa won't have it. She then tells Dany how stupid it was of her to trust Cersei. I do feel like they should like each other better and while Sansa is all for Jon and Dany's love, she doesn't want Winterfell to be a casualty of their affair. 

As always, Sansa has her thinking cap on. I guess being in King's Landing for all those years and being exposed to Cersei, Littlefinger and Olenna Tyrell has made her question everything. 

Sansa Stark and Daenerys Targaryen's heart-to-heart

PICTURE: Helen Sloan/HBO

And now for the fun parts. The reunions continue this week with Tormund Giantsbane, Dolorous Edd and Beric Dondarion making their way to Winterfell. Did you notice how the guards sounded their arrival, with one horn blast? That's the Night's Watch way of recognizing a returning ranger. 

Of course Tormund is still obsessed with Brienne, who refuses his advances.  Tyrion and Jaime also catch up the best way the Lannisters know- by drinking wine. 

Later on, Brienne, Tormund, Davos and Podrick join them. Brienne gets knighted by Jaime, making her Ser Brienne, Knight of the Seven Kingdoms. It's a touching moment, one we have waited so long to see. And seeing Jaime once again pledge his loyalty to her and being willing to fight at her command, is heartwarmingly sad. 

The gathering is like a final get together before the battle. And Podrick (who I hope doesn't die) sings a beautiful song. 

Arya Stark and Gendry Baratheon finally consumating their relationship. One last kiss before death?

PICTURE: Helen Sloan/HBO

Speaking of get togethers, Arya and Gendry get together in the most sensual way. She didn't want to die a virgin. 

Jon finally tells Daenerys of his true identity and she responds with disbelief. She realises what this means. AS she processed this, three horns blasts are heard through the castle. The White Walkers have arrived and winter is truly here. 

Where to watch "Game of Thrones" 

Watch it on Mondays at 3am on  (repeat at 10pm) on M-Net, or straight after with the   DStv Now app  . 

You can also binge-watch all previous seasons of  "Game of Thrones" on Showmax. Sign up for a 14-day free trial at  Showmax.com

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