Game review: XCOM: Enemy Unknown

XCOM, aliens and all, makes the transition to iOS devices relatively unscathed.

XCOM, aliens and all, makes the transition to iOS devices relatively unscathed.

Published Jul 1, 2013


XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Platform: iOS (see Apple Store for details)

Developer: 2K Games

Rating out of five: ****


XCOM, aliens and all, makes the transition to iOS devices relatively unscathed.

Yes, there is a blander colour palette and less detail in character models, but on the whole, Firaxis' tactical-action game is as playable and addictive as ever.

Sensible adaptions to the interface make playing via a touchscreen feel natural, while the cloud-saving feature means your progress will transfer from iPad to iPhone.

My only gripes are a lack of fast-scrolling (a real grind on larger levels) and long loading times between stages. - The Independent

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