Women in finance aiming to make meaningful contribution to society

2022 Young Chief Financial Officer Award winner, Phindile Ndlandla. Picture: Supplied

2022 Young Chief Financial Officer Award winner, Phindile Ndlandla. Picture: Supplied

Published Dec 7, 2023


Durban — Hundreds of accounting professionals from across Africa are gathered at Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg for the fourth Africa Members Convention (AMC 2023) from Wednesday until December 8.

Themed “Empowering Finance Professionals for Sustainable Development in Africa,” the conference aims to develop earlier conversations on innovative technologies, integrated thinking for sustainable business practice, international sustainability reporting to drive accountability, developing trade competencies towards supporting intra-Africa trade and enabling members to develop careers toward building a better world.

The Daily News caught up with last year’s Young Chief Financial Officer (CFO) award-winner Phindile Ndlandla to talk about her career highlights and the impact she has made in sub-Saharan Africa for women in finance.

Ndlandla is a Chartered Accountant in Eswatini (CA SD) and a Fellow of the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants UK (FCCA). Ndlandla, who is also the non-executive director at Stanlib Swaziland, said that she decided to work in the financial industry because she saw an opportunity for growth.

“I decided, looking at the various industries the country had to offer, that in the financial industry I was most likely to achieve the kind of growth I desired. It is also quite fascinating, very interesting and there’s a lot to learn. It is a fast-paced and evolving industry, contrary to some industries that remain stagnant overtime. Most banks and micro lending institutions are not of Swati origination, which therefore brings an angle of further growth beyond our borders,” she said.

Ndlandla said that becoming CFO of the year was a humbling experience and achievement.

“I aspire to continue to have an impact on society by playing a role and serve with the skills and abilities I possess in various bodies.

“I aim to see the profession grow and have more young people qualify as accountants. I mentor young people and avail myself, when required by organisations within the country and abroad, to impart my knowledge and especially train young people.”

She said that her career highlights have been achieving her CA qualification at a young age, growing rapidly within the corporate ladder to obtain the ultimate point of success has been the icing on top and above all making a meaningful contribution to society.

“Another big achievement for me was getting a promotion from subsidiary CFO to becoming a Regional CFO and supporting various CFOs within the east African region,” she said.

Ndlandla advised young people to work hard.

“Qualifications are important to have but what will set you apart from the rest is hard work, your work ethic, reliability, authenticity and the impact you will have in the workplace,” she said.

She also said that being in the financial industry as a woman has had its challenges but seeking coaching has helped her.

“I would say I’m highly favoured and I honestly believe God has been with me every step of the way. Being young and a woman, aspiring to break the glass ceiling is bound to bring its own challenges, which I have managed to manoeuvre through, seeking coaching and mentorship,” she said.

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