Two black mambas, spotted bush snake and Mozambique spitting cobra for snake catcher on hot, busy Sunday

A black mamba, in Westville, slithered in through the front door, and hid behind some furniture. Picture: Nick Evans

A black mamba, in Westville, slithered in through the front door, and hid behind some furniture. Picture: Nick Evans

Published Feb 13, 2023


Durban — After a few days of what one can call radio silence on the snake rescuing front, Durban snake catcher Nick Evans had a hot and busy Sunday which consisted of two black mambas, a bush snake and a Mozambique spitting cobra.

Evans said it was uncomfortably hot and humid on Sunday, even the snakes thought so. He ended up with a few rescues, all indoors, trying to keep cool.

He said his first catch was a spotted bush snake, also commonly known as the garden snake.

Evans said the snake was on a dining room floor.

A spotted bush snake seen on a dining room floor. Picture: Nick Evans

He said the second snake was a black mamba, in Westville, which slithered in through the front door and hid behind some furniture.

“It was a small mamba. Usually, I’d say I don’t get many this size, although I have caught a few this size of late,” Evans said.

A black mamba, in Westville, slithered in through the front door and hid behind some furniture. Picture: Nick Evans

He said from there, he went to Westville North for a Mozambique spitting cobra in a lounge.

“It was between a couch and the wall. Relatively easy capture of the metre-long (+-), chunky individual,” Evans said.

A Mozambique spitting cobra slithered into a lounge in Westville North. Picture: Nick Evans

He said thereafter, it was off to Seaview, to assist Durban South Snake Rescue with a black mamba in a garage.

“There was a pile of boxes in the corner, which rats decided to make a nest in. Well, there were no rats to be found, just the mamba, with a bump in its stomach,” Evans said.

“A lively, 2.1m individual.”

Evans said it was a fun Sunday, and a few showers were needed.

A black mamba on a pile of boxes in Seaview. Picture: Nick Evans

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