Smaller parties fight EPWP retrenchments in eThekwini

Workers from the Expanded Public Works Programme at the Durban city hall. | Nqobile Mbonambi/ Independent Newspapers

Workers from the Expanded Public Works Programme at the Durban city hall. | Nqobile Mbonambi/ Independent Newspapers

Published Jul 18, 2024


Durban — Political parties in eThekwini Municipality are up in arms against the City’s intention to reduce workers under the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP).

Earlier this month the City issued notice to the workers informing them that their contracts would not be renewed and would have to stop reporting for duty at the end of July, citing the budget cut by the national government.

In response African People First (APF) and African Democratic Change (ADeC) filed a motion to block the municipality from continuing with laying off workers. Leading the crusade against the municipality’s intention is APF councillor Muzi Hlengwa who penned a motion which was seconded by ADeC councillor Euge Patchapen.

The motion is expected to be tabled by speaker Thabani Nyawose for debate and vote next Thursday during a full council meeting.

Copy of the letter that was sent to the EPWP staff notifying them about the termination of the contracts. Letter: Supplied

In a letter of motion that has been seen by the Daily News, Hlengwa said the total expenditure budgeted for EPWP was R297 million but has been cut to R18,7m.

Speaking to the Daily News on Thursday, Hlengwa said his party will try everything it can to prevent what he called jobs bloodbath where more than 10 000 workers will no longer be able to feed their families. He said all he and ADeC are calling for is for the City to reprioritise and redirect funds from other departments to ensure workers continue with their work.

“We cannot allow such a disaster to happen in front of us. When 10 000 lose jobs that should be declared a disaster and we will fight to ensure that the workers remain in their jobs come next Thursday,” vowed Hlengwa.

AFrican People First councillor Muzi Hlengwa fights for EPWP in eThekwini. Photo supplied

He was supported by Patchapen who said his party is in full support of the motion hence he signed the secondment.

Hlengwa said his party is also pushing for the City to stop relying on the national government to sustain the programme but create its budget when the mayor tables the City’s budget next year, adding that the City has 16 000 vacancies that it needs to fill but had not done so because it said it did not have money. Hlengwa blamed the City for hiring people every year but not absorbing workers on the EPWP.

ADeC eThekwini Municipality councillor Eugene Patchapen. | Supplied

Two weeks ago, the South African Municipal Workers’ Union had threatened to bring the City to a standstill to prevent the municipality from terminating contracts.

Umkhonto weSizwe Party also weighed in on the matter during the budget vote by Public Works Minister Dean Macpherson last week, In the party’s response to the budget vote, MKP MP Visvin Reddy blasted the department for cutting EPWP budget.

The office of the eThekwini Municipality speaker said they have not received the letter of motion.

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Daily News