Reddy calls for tough action against employees who defrauded the Presidential Employment Stimulus Programme

The leader of African Democratic Change Visvin Reddy demands tough action against City employees for double-dipping. picture: Tumi Pakkies/ Independent Newspapers

The leader of African Democratic Change Visvin Reddy demands tough action against City employees for double-dipping. picture: Tumi Pakkies/ Independent Newspapers

Published Nov 16, 2023


Durban — African Democratic Change (AdeC) councillor Visvin Reddy has called for the immediate suspension of all 400 eThekwini Municipality employees found to have earned salaries under the Public Employment Programme (PEP) while working for the City.

Reddy was reacting to the reports that the City had let the employees off with a mere “slap on the wrist” by getting them to sign acknowledgements of debt to pay the money back.

“It's a scandal and cannot be swept under the carpet. An example must be set. These individuals must be identified and held accountable for their shameful actions. Furthermore, we demand that all those implicated be suspended immediately pending a full investigation and disciplinary proceedings,” said Reddy.

He said the ADeC they was appalled by revelations that over 400 eThekwini Municipality employees fraudulently enrolled and received payment from the Presidential Employment Stimulus (PES) programme while already earning a salary from the Municipality.

He called it “an outrageous abuse of public funds and a direct violation of the spirit and purpose of the PES programme.”

Reddy added that,“it was patently obvious that those culpable were not desperate unemployed South Africans or those living in poverty, but rather greedy and unscrupulous employees who sought to enrich themselves at the expense of the most vulnerable members of our society.”

He said the fact that eThekwini employees already enjoyed some of the highest salaries in the country made “this scandal more reprehensible”.

He also slammed the City management, saying they had proven themselves to be grossly inadequate in their responsibilities of managing the affairs of the City, and called on the Mayor and City Manager “to take swift and decisive action to root out corruption and restore ethical work standards.”

“We urge the Municipality and the PES programme to take all necessary measures to ensure that legitimate beneficiaries receive the financial assistance and support that they are entitled to. The citizens of eThekwini deserve nothing less than a competent, transparent and accountable government that serves their interests with integrity and dignity,” said Reddy.

With the roll over approval of R1.6 billion by the National Treasury, the City has promised to consider continuing with the PES programme again. The City had served notices to the temporary employees in August informing them that because of budget cuts by the national government, their contracts would not be renewed.

The City comment will be added once received.

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