Women’s wellness the focus of dynamic event with jam-packed line-up

Dr Heather Baylock, is among
the speakers at the upcoming Cape
Times, Cape Argus and Weekend Argus
Women’s Wellness Experience.

Dr Heather Baylock, is among the speakers at the upcoming Cape Times, Cape Argus and Weekend Argus Women’s Wellness Experience.

Published Aug 27, 2024


General health impacts sexual health and vice versa, and with a sex-positive approach, education and opening up sexy, sensual conversations, women can empower themselves holistically.

This is according to medical doctor, sexual medicine and wellness expert Dr Heather Baylock, who is among the speakers at the upcoming Cape Times, Cape Argus and Weekend Argus Women’s Wellness Experience.

The event will be hosted at the President Hotel on September 28 between 10.30am and 2.30pm.

Baylock said women have the right to safe, consensual and pleasurable sexual experiences.

She said sexual wellness keeps anxiety and depression at bay, and it is good for our heads and our hearts.

“Women who are sex and body-positive are more likely to attend to medical screening such as pap smears and mammograms,” she said.

On how women can maintain a positive relationship with their sexual health as they navigate different life stages, Baylock said women can be very hard on themselves, with social media adding extra pressure with the idea that beauty is for the youth and ageing brings with it a loss of attractiveness.

“This is not true and engaging with your body in a kind and loving way is vital.

“Body positivity gives women confidence, they have less stress, are more sexually active and have better sexual function.

“Exercising to the point of releasing our own endorphins is within our own power.

“There is such a network of doctors, therapists, educators and access to information on the internet. Primarily we have to love ourselves and know our own bodies, sensuality and sexuality are beautiful gifts that should sparkle and glow. We have to get the sex shame, taboos and guilt out the closet.”

Speakers at the event will include dermatologist Dr Dilshaad Asmal, obstetrician and gynaecologist Dr Zethu Mtimkulu and psychologist and life coach Dr Marelize Swartz, among others.

Event organiser Rehana Rutti of Independent Media said she was honoured to bring together a dynamic programme aimed at empowering women in all aspects of their health.

“This event is more than just a gathering – it’s a celebration of women’s strength and resilience. With expert-led sessions and hands-on activities, we’ve crafted a day that will leave every attendee feeling inspired, informed, and ready to take charge of their well-being.”

Attendees can enjoy a mesmerising performance by Vertical Secrets Pole Dance Studio, interactive sessions, participating in a rejuvenating Pilates session and an engaging make-up demonstration by Leslie Beauty Bar, buffet lunch, goodie bags and a chance to win incredible prizes, including a weekend getaway at Val Du Charron and a two-night stay at the President Hotel.

For more information, visit: https:// www.quicket.co.za/events/275548-womens-wellness-event#/

Cape Times

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