Ranger hospitalised after attack by alleged poacher

Table Mountain National Park (TMNP) rangers recovered 112 abalone and diving gear from suspects in Glencairn.

Table Mountain National Park (TMNP) rangers recovered 112 abalone and diving gear from suspects in Glencairn.

Published Jan 24, 2023


Cape Town – Wishes for a speedy recovery have gone out to a Table Mountain National Park (TMNP) special operations ranger following an attack by a suspected poacher resisting arrest during an anti-poaching operation in Glencairn.

SANParks said the TMNP Sea, Air and Mountain (Seam) ranger was rushed to hospital with serious bodily injuries on Tuesday morning, during the arrest of six suspects found in possession of abalone.

“On Monday evening around 11.30, the TMNP operations room staff received information from the Environment Crime Investigation unit of suspected poachers operating in the TMNP marine protected area in the vicinity of Glencairn.

“Seam operators responded to this report and, with the assistance of the SAPS, successfully stopped a vehicle suspected of being involved in the incident.

“During the vehicle search, 112 abalone and diving gear were discovered.

“Six suspects were arrested and the vehicle was seized. During the arrest, one of the suspects resisted and attacked a Seam ranger, who was rushed to the nearest hospital with serious bodily injuries,” SANParks said.

TMNP Park Manager, Megan Taplin, said rangers were faced with life-threatening situations in their daily work.

“I’d like to wish our ranger a speedy healing process and believe that he will make a full recovery following this unfortunate incident.

“Congratulations must go to the Seam operations rangers and members of SAPS for the successful arrest of the suspects in question. Thank you for your dedication and hard work in the fight to preserve our natural resources at all costs,” said Taplin.

Suspicious behaviour at Table Mountain National Park can be reported to the TMNP emergency number on 086 110 6417.

Cape Times