Building lasting bridges at Bridgetown Theatre Company

Published Sep 27, 2022


Cape Town - As the Bridgetown Theatre Company (BTC) celebrates 12 years of “theatre for the people by the people”, they will be performing several of their popular and new productions free of charge, kicking off the popular Athlone Nantes Park Spring Festival this Sunday.

“Throughout the 12 years, we always presented original theatre productions. It is for the people and by the people,” the BTC said.

“In order to achieve this impact, we asked ourselves ‘What stories are we telling? Whom are we telling the stories to? And how relevant are these stories?’. In doing so, we are humbled by the artistic success we have attained. Especially knowing, it is through the loyal audience’s unconditional support, that we are operational. For this, we will always be eternally grateful. Our performers have always used our theatre productions to practise their craft at the highest level, by putting themselves in physical and emotional positions that may never arise in their own lives,” they said.

Their current group of talented performers include – Alfonzo Freemantle; Andrea Wildshut; Anthea Juries; Cohen Erasmus; Emihle Bhoto; Josh Matthews; Monique Asemahale; Ryan Brown; Shane Davids; Sibusiso Zwele; Tamsyn Pretorious; Thembalethu Zwele; Thamsanqa Dywill, Unati Mbalo and Olewethu Makambi.

“Our theatre productions keep youth off the streets and occupy them with cultural topics and artistic self-expression.

In so doing, they are the positive change in others and their own lives. Through this humane gesture, it is proven that theatre has the power to promote social discourse and foster societal change. Long may it continue,” added BTC.

For the festival, attendees will be expected to donate non-perishable food and clothing items as a form of entry.

The aim of the festival, BTC said, was: “To create community unity and social cohesion amongst all races/ As well as creating a platform for established and new performers to display their talents and screen their films. We will also engage community SME has schools, and churches and community organisations to sell their food (and wares) at the event as a form of fundraising for themselves. These limited trade stalls will be in a demarcated area.”

All performers who wish to perform at the festival can WhatsApp or contact 082 5363651. Performers will receive a stipend for their performance.

They will perform free live theatre productions of the six Matric set work books: Hamlet; Life of Pi; Fiela se kind; My children my Africa ; Krismis van Map Jacobs and Inzala at Western Cape High School until October 30.

Schools are welcome to contact 082 5363651 to book free performances at their school.

For BTC to perform their free early childhood development production, “Our voices count!” pre-schools are welcome to contact 082 5363651 to book for free performances at their institution.

Those that wish to host stalls at the festival, can contact 082 317 7517 or 074 6318890.

More information can be found at the Bridgetown Theatre Company Facebook page

Cape Times