The quantity of caffeine that is safe to consume daily varies depending on a person’s age, weight and health problems. Picture: Pexels
Workers all over the world indulge in one or several cups of coffee before going to work.
This is because of the caffeine content. Caffeine is a stimulant, which means it stimulates the brain and neurological system.
It also stimulates the circulation of hormones in the body such as cortisol and adrenaline. Caffeine, in little dosages, can help you feel rejuvenated and able to concentrate more.
However, one company has taken the concept of bulletproof coffee to another level.
Titled Biohazard Coffee, the name speaks for itself.
It has 928mg of caffeine per 354 millilitres. This contains far more caffeine than other energy drinks and is more than double the daily recommended amount.
“Perfect use for, surviving the week, parenting hyperactive kids, cramming for exams, working out, weekend recovery and insane gaming focus,” the company said on its website.
The business was co-founded by Yonatan Pinhasov said, “We wanted a good jolt of energy for our long days without having to sacrifice the taste. After countless hours of drinking horrible tasting coffee that promised high energy levels, we decided to take it into our own hands.
“We thought about all the other people like us; self-starters, parents with long days, graduate students, the 18-hour work day people. How could we make this better for everyone?”
But is this much caffeine safe to consume on a daily basis?
Well, according to Medical Society SA, absolutely not. It emphasis that the quantity of caffeine that is safe to consume daily varies depending on a person’s age, weight and health problems and 928mg is a bit too much.
“Consuming too much caffeine can lead to several symptoms, such as restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, digestive issues, increased heart rate, and high blood pressure,” said the organisation.
“In severe cases, it can lead to caffeine overdose, which can cause symptoms such as seizures, hallucinations and even death.”
So, be careful what you consume in the name of getting more energy.