5 commandments for running a successful side hustle

Whether they are doing it to make sure they can pay the bills at the end of the month or to pursue a personal passion outside their day job, a growing number of South Africans are running side hustles. Via Nappy.co

Whether they are doing it to make sure they can pay the bills at the end of the month or to pursue a personal passion outside their day job, a growing number of South Africans are running side hustles. Via Nappy.co

Published Mar 4, 2023


By Nkululeko Nombika

Whether they are doing it to make sure they can pay the bills at the end of the month or to pursue a personal passion outside their day job, a growing number of South Africans are running side hustles.

The 2022 Old Mutual Savings & Investment Monitor shows that 51% of South Africans have multiple income streams. The report also shows that as many as 20% of respondents run a side-line business, while 33% do contract or freelance work in addition to their permanent job.

This highlights how much entrepreneurial energy there is in South Africa – from graphic designers taking on freelance work after hours to people who walk dogs, write code, or make designer jewellery to earn some cash on the side.

While some are happy to keep their side hustle small and informal, others dream of one day turning it into their day job or even a business empire. Whatever your ambitions, here are some tips about how you can run a successful side venture:

Seek help

Look for a mentor who can teach the ropes of running a business or mastering the trade or profession you have chosen. They can help you avoid rookie mistakes, saving you time, money, and frustration. Reach out via social networks or your personal contacts to find someone who may be interested in helping.

As your business grows, you may realise that you don’t have the time or expertise to do everything yourself. When your budget allows, it might be wise to invest in professional support. An accountant or tax practitioner can help you optimise finances and avoid paying unnecessary taxes. Professionals in fields such as human resources, marketing and technology can also add value as your business grows.

Keep your overheads low

Whether you’re running your side hustle for fun or to make ends meet, you don’t want it to lose money in the longer term. Especially in the early months, it’s important to keep tight control of fixed and variable costs. For example, don’t splash out on an expensive new laptop if your existing one will do the job.

A great way to keep costs low is to barter goods and services with other side hustlers and solo entrepreneurs. For example, if you’re a digital marketer, you can offer to help a copywriter with search engine optimisation for their website. In exchange, they can write copy for yours. Also be sure to save a cash buffer for your side hustle to help you through the leaner months.

Have a clear value proposition to set you apart

When you first start out, you might be tempted to chase every cent of revenue that presents itself. But having a clear value proposition for a well-defined audience will help set you apart in a competitive world. Use your business plan to assess whether the opportunities that cross your path will help you advance towards your goals. To scale your business, you’ll need to deliver an offering that wows people.

Ensure you are tax-compliant

You need to declare any income from a side hustle to SARS and pay tax on your profits. This applies even if it is small and even if you are operating as an individual rather than through a limited company.

Keep your personal bank account separate to the one you use for your part-time business to make it easier to track your income and expenses. Also ensure you keep records about your expenses—Wi-Fi, inventory, contractors, and so on—including any invoices and statements. This will enable you to claim them as tax deductions. When your part-time business becomes profitable, make sure you keep money in your bank account to pay provisional tax in August and February.

Automate finances

An online accounting solution can help you to track your finances in real-time, as well as to plan and budget more accurately. It will also enable you to send out professional-looking invoices each month; track and document your expenses; and watch your cash flow. This will help you to save time, comply with tax laws and focus on growing your business.

Nkululeko Nombika is a Business Operations Director at Sage Africa and Middle East